Ordinary People can fool anyone in the short term.
GREAT people build trust and earn respect for the long term.
Ordinary People panic about deadlines and forget their priorities.
GREAT People know that spending time with loved ones and doing work that matters is all that counts.
Ordinary people spend too much time talking and complaining.
GREAT people take action quietly and without fuss.
Ordinary people watch TV when they get home.
GREAT people read books, write journals and meditate.
Ordinary people seek attention.
GREAT people let their work and conduct speak for them.
Ordinary people dodge responsibility – ‘someone else will clean up the problem’
GREAT people take ownership of challenges with a smile on their face.
Ordinary people gossip and tear others down to get ahead.
GREAT people take others with them on the way up.
Ordinary people skip class or lectures or seminars.
GREAT people know that education and learning pays off.
Ordinary people pick up take away food on the way home.
GREAT people pick up groceries, cook at home and make enough for lunch the next day.
Ordinary people react defensively to customers with gripes or demands.
GREAT people listen patiently and show empathy.
Ordinary people swear and use clichés.
GREAT people have impeccable conduct and use language like art.
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Ordinary vs. GREAT. Which one are you?
We all can act ordinary sometimes. GREAT people however are mindful when they are being ordinary and step up to greatness every time.