"Operating at your optimal performance comes down to having better life systems not motivation."
"I have designed an operating system for success that will cause an outright revolution of transformation in your life."
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16 Tips to Get Frugal this Christmas

Why are we addicted to spending too much money at Christmas time? Is it the easy way out? Sorry to be confronting but I know some parents who prefer to buy their children expensive gifts to shut them up instead of taking the time to really connect with them.

As we enter a period of turmoil and financial uncertainty, my family is adopting the following lifestyle changes. We may not be short of a quid and neither are you but we feel that there is something empowering about not being a slave to consumerism. Here are our 16 tips. If you have some of your own please share.

  1. Buy a smaller/fuel efficient car. Aim for a car that spends less than 7L per 100km.
  2. Walk short distances instead of taking the car. I know many senior executives who are now commuting by bike. Read this great book: Simply Car Free
  3. At Christmas, involve your children in making gifts instead of buying them.
  4. Cook at home 6-7 days per week. It costs much less and is healthier for you. It costs an average of $10,000 per year to buy groceries. To eat out would cost you $30,000. Cooking at home is also a great way to bond with your family. (If you have trouble connecting with your family at the best of times. Here are 5 Awesome parenting tips)
  5. Take a packed lunch to work.
  6. Drink water instead of soft drink.
  7. Grow your own vegetable garden. More and more people are doing so. It saves you money and is healthier for you.
  8. Stay healthy. It can save you tons of money on doctor’s visits, hospital bills, and medicine over the long run. Prevention is cheaper than the cure. Eat healthily, exercise and relax. Simple and effective.
  9. Don’t buy clothing from designer brands. There are many local designers who sell clothes for a fraction of the price that are just as cutting edge. Fashion is transient and not worth the expense. Often we are paying big dollars just for the label. I’ve heard of garments sold for over $1,000 which costs as little as $1.50 to make in China. How do they justify that?
  10. When it comes to children’s clothing, select one special outfit from your favourite store and opt for hand-me-downs or scour the web for last season specials – online children’s clothes shopping is easy and so much cheaper.
  11. Limit use of mobile phone and especially text messaging. I’ve waste up to $5.00 for a conversation on text. Now I pick up the phone and call someone instead – costs me 14 cents!
  12. Save energy. Hang washing in the sun instead. Limit use of air conditioners and heaters to extreme weather conditions only.
  13. Don’t book expensive venues for Christmas parties, have them in the park or somewhere free, focus on enjoying the company of your friends, family and nature.
  14. Don’t sign up for expensive gym membership. Exercise outdoors with family and friends. I know a guy who only uses body weight for his exercises (push-ups, sit-ups, squats etc…) and he has an amazing physique!
  15. Wash you car at home. My family and I have fun doing it. It’s another great way to spend time together.
  16. Stop using credit cards. A lot us use a credit card for the convenience of not having to keep an eye on our budget. Manage your cash flow instead and save hundreds in interest.

Am I? Do I?

Life’s Answers are in the Questions we ask ourself. Here are some you can ask for this weekend.

Am I being a loving and thoughtful partner?

Ask me a question I don't know the answer to.

Do I spend enough time with my partner talking and being intimate?

Do we greet each other with a long kiss and a big hug every day?

Do I affectionately touch my partner and make him/her feel that they are loved and respected?

Do I surprise my partner with little gifts and love notes?

Do I take the time to really listen to my partner’s goals and dreams in life?

Am I really present when I get home or is my mind still in work mode?

Am I listening and giving my children my full attention when they talk?

Do I read to them or tell them a story every night before they go to sleep?

Do I call and see my mother and father often?

Do I take my children to see their grandparents regularly?

Do I involve my family in my other activities?

Do I take my children to work with me sometimes to show them what I do?

Do I introduce my family to my work colleagues and friends?

Do I support my family in their pursuits and passions?

Do I give them confidence and belief in themselves by telling them that their contribution to life is valued?

Am I fun to be around at home?

Do I make my children giggle and laugh?

I will post some questions I ask myself on Monday mornings when I am preparing to learn, work, create, innovate and connect.

p.s. As a lawyer I was taught to never ask a question I did not know the answer to 😉


I have to confess that I only blog, post, and tweet when I am inspired to. But today my EA ordered me to make a public pledge. The pledge is that I will start sharing my journal with you at least twice a week – One for the workweek ahead and one for the weekend. So here is my weekend journal entry.

It’s personal. It’s about family. I remind myself of this important lesson every Friday.


This is something I usually share with my closest friends. But with your permission I would like to journal it today because this is something that is very important. It is frankly where most families go wrong.

In my early career as a lawyer I handled many divorce cases. It was heart breaking to see couples that once adored each other break-up simply because they did not know how to manage their finances. And the biggest mistake they made was not living within their means. I especially came across many executives that bought a big house in a fancy neighbourhood and a flash car – this was their idea of wealth.

There is of course nothing wrong with having a nice home and a nice car. The problem however comes if you borrow too much money to be able to afford it. To me true wealth is about having the freedom to do what you want when you want. So where’s the freedom in working hard to pay off things that you do not get to enjoy because you are too busy working to pay them off?

So, my message here is that we should all aim to keep it simple. Our children don’t care whether they sit on a $20 Ikea chair or a $500 designer chair when enjoying the evening meal. Instead of going to a restaurant to have dinner, why not go to a farmers market and buy produce that you can prepare yourself as a family team. You will be developing a bond, having fun and learning how to cook.

There are many other ways to live a frugal life without compromising your lifestyle. It’s true; the simple and most delightful things in life are in fact free. You just have to be creative and make a conscious effort to think of them. You must be just as efficient in managing this aspect of your life as keenly as you would your career.

You know, I have heard that in some religions a couple must get spiritual advice before they get married. Well I think that couples should also get financial advice before they commit to building a future together. Finance is something we cannot ignore in our life. I have witnessed that the families that manage it well are often the most successful.

What is your ONE thing?

In the last few months of coaching I have noticed a trend. One that is encouraging. I have noticed that many of us think that there are a myriad of obstacles that is holding us back from pursuing the life we really want; when in truth it is often only one thing. That’s right, you heard me correctly. Only one! And I don’t mean only holding you back in your career or business. It could be holding you back in all eight areas of your life.

So all you have to do is go searching for that one thing that’s holding you back. Sometimes the search is within you and sometimes it is external. It could be a food you need to eliminate that unburdens your body and unleashes your energy. Or it could be a fear that’s holding you back from taking action with courage. Or it could be as simple as making that phone call or enrolling in a course.

Here are a few real examples:

One client changed his exercise routine from weight training to jogging and cycling. It suited his body more. He was more relaxed, more energetic and more confident. It showed in his performance at work. He was more upbeat and enthusiastic. He was focused. At home he was happier. It changed all areas of his life.

Another client merely changed the time of day she worked out. It made all the difference.

Another eliminated coffee and alcohol.

Another started working from home one day a week.

Another started waking at 6am instead of 7.

Another went back to Uni to study.

Another changed jobs.

In all these cases the transformation was huge and immediate. When you have the courage to take action on that ONE thing, it’s like breaking the shackles and unleashing your passion onto the world. It is truly amazing to witness this.

So my question to you is, WHAT IS YOUR ONE THING?

Mothers Day and The Greatest Gift Ever

It’s a Sydney dawn on this beautiful Sunday morning. The red autumn leaves are rustling on the trees outside as I sit thinking of what I can teach my youngest daughter about Mother’s Day. Is it all about buying flowers and enjoying lunch together? Or is it about acknowledging the greatest gift of our lives.

From the moment we are born and cradled in our mothers’ arms we experience the milk of human kindness. This is the first lesson we all learn as infants. It’s also the greatest gift we ever receive from our mothers. It’s the gift of unconditional love.

Unconditional Love

My mother often said to me seven words that would make me feel loved. It also made me feel safe and secure. These words were the cradle of support for my heart. She would say them to me whenever things were not going my way. Typically, it was when I came home from school with hurt feelings. It could have been from doing poorly in a school exam or failing to make the soccer team. Whatever the disappointment, I remember that my mother only ever had to say these seven words to lift my spirits and make me feel special and valuable. As I grew into an adult, these seven words also made me fearless in business!

She would say, ‘I love you always, no matter what.’

This was Mum’s way of saying that no matter what I did and no matter what happened, she would always love me and have a special place in her heart for me. It made me feel like I could accept any problem or handle any challenge. It gave me the courage to take on challenges without fearing failure. Most of all it taught me to love myself.

So what is the greatest gift we can give our mothers in return? The same gift of course. We should love our mothers unconditionally and remember that mothers are not perfect. They did their best in what was ‘a mans world’. It was not easy being a woman in the 20th Century, let alone a mother. Being a mother was, and in some places continues to be, a thankless and payless job. So remember this if and when you consciously or subconsciously judge her. Push past the imperfections and remember the greatest gift you ever received from her. Acknowledge that whatever love you have for yourself came from her.

Unconditional Love

I know I am posting this journal entry at the wrong time for most social media activity. So it will probably be lost in cyber space. But for those of you who get to read it, remember to forgive your mother for any pain that you might be holding onto. Love your mother unconditionally, like she did you when you first born.

I am lucky enough to have a daughter. She teaches me a lot about women. I look at her and see my mother. I realise that women never truly grow ‘older’. They all like to dance and play dress-up. So today I am taking my mother dancing! (With my wife and daughter. It should be fun 🙂

Have a great day and may you always live from the heart.
