"Operating at your optimal performance comes down to having better life systems not motivation."
"I have designed an operating system for success that will cause an outright revolution of transformation in your life."
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The Butterfly Effect

Today you paid an awesome compliment to a random shopkeeper who served you. She really needed it. She was depressed and suffering in silence – possibly even suicidal. Unbeknown to you, it was something you said in your compliment that really resonated with her. Your compliment inspired her to seek help or enroll in that course or call a family member or friend or apologise to their partner or give up drugs or a toxic relationship . Whatever it is, you helped her and all you did was pay a genuine compliment that made her feel good and valued as a human. You made her feel like she mattered. She went on to become a photographer or a dental nurse or a mother. She read more books, took better care of herself, started a business, employed people, had kids of her own and her effect on the world cascaded outward and touched many lives.

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What Are The Best New Years Resolutions to Make

Why Should You Make New Years Resolutions?

Answer: doing what we did last year probably isn’t going to be sufficient in 2018. Whether you are in sales, admin or finance you need to take your performance to the next level, otherwise you will fall behind.

As consumers we expect products to improve every year. Bigger TV screens, faster computers, more comfortable cars, the latest iPhone etc. but have you ever thought of yourself as a beautiful work in progress? You are. The human mind and body is the most sophisticated gadget on the planet. So what upgrades are you going to make in 2018? What enhancements to the software (mind) and hardware (body) are you going to work on? That is, what progress are you going to make?

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