For a taste of what it will be like, watch this highlights movie from our last Upgrade Your Life event.
This is what a community of like minded people dedicated to holistic living looks like.
*** Fuelled by fun and friendship
*** Powered by professionals who care deeply for the health and happiness of others.
Over 90% of people that attended our Upgrade Your Life 2019, rated it as the best event that they have ever attended!
So what made the event such a magical and multi-sensory learning experience? It is difficult to describe in words.
Some described it as “….the birth of a new community (and the start of a movement!) dedicated to life-long learning, fuelled by fun and friendship and powered by professionals who care deeply.”
Others said it was like “…attending a 3-day TED talk by day and partying with like-minded people by night.”
Upgrade Your Life is difficult to describe in words. Here is what our community had to say about the 3-day event!
Dr Guy Winch
Dr Guy Winch had all couples nodding in agreement with his talk on Relationships, Love & Conflict. As one person said at UYL2019, “If all couples spent just one hour with Dr Winch there would be no divorce in this world.”
Carl Honore
Carl Honore rocked the room with his talk on “Slow Parenting in a Fast World.” Carl will be returning to Upgrade Your Life 2020!
Tom Sullivan, meditation coach and faculty member of A Higher Branch rocked the room with stillness at the Upgrade Your Life event. His latest book A Still Mind is due out later this year and Tom will be returning to Upgrade Your Life 2020!
WHAT is about clear outcomes.
HOW is about the process of becoming.
But what about the power of WHEN?
Click here to read Sam’s blog, The Power of WHEN.
Sam Makhoul on Motivation. Click here to read Sam’s blog, Is Motivation Destroying Your Identity?