
Sam Makhoul, Curator and Founder of A Higher Branch Success Academy at our annual event Upgrade Your Life.

Sam Makhoul is an author, speaker, mentor, and performance coach. He holds a Master of Laws degree and is Founder of MSA National, a law company  specializing in banking and finance law. His clients include numerous Australian and international financial institutions. He is also the founder of A Higher Branch Success Academy.

With a curiosity that makes him see the potential in people, Sam is a highly effective Performance Coach with practical entrepreneurial experience and knowledge across multiple health modalities.  He credits his success to his ability to bring the best out of people and mentoring them to their personal greatness.

Sam utilises his own proprietary programs that leverage his philosophy, principles and prescriptions pioneered in his books. As a speaker, Sam brings intensity to his message. He sparks thinking and stirs emotions. His talks are dynamic, challenging and entertaining.

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Sam Makhoul discusses the latest research with World Leading experts on a variety of topics including Mind, Body, Relationships, Work & Business. Subscribe to keep up to date with our weekly episodes.

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Sam in the Media

A Higher Branch Partners with Finance Brokers Association of Australia Limited |  10 April 2019

A Higher Branch have been selected by the FBAA to partner with Beyond Blue to hold workshops for preventative programs on mental and emotional health.


Thanks Sam for creating such an inspiring, valuable and life changing wholistic formula for living your most, healthy, loving, giving and productive conscious life! It’s a TOTAL game changer! I cannot wait to implement the amazing knowledge from such profoundly inspiring, intelligent experts in their field, you definitely found the best of the best.



Feeling amazing. Loved every moment. Filled with gratitude and inspiration and enriched by wonderful new friendships. Thank you A Higher Branch for so thoughtfully curating such a magnificent event, and for inviting me to be a part of it.

Meredith Gaston


What an amazing weekend! Sad that it’s over, but excited to implement all the wonderful things learnt.



You all need to be congratulated on such a huge success. You all have put so much effort into the format and offering an amazing experience for everyone that came along.

So glad that I was able to attend the first conference of many to come and now to be part of your community.



Sam, what can I say? Inspired leader, warm and wonderful friend. Generous and giving spirit. You have embarked on an amazing journey and the people who have joined are blessed.



I personally got a lot out of the event which has made me re-evaluate everything. I have a direction and purpose thanks to you and your event. I’m now starting to write the next chapter in my life.



Thank you to Sam and the higher branch team for such an awesome event… truly life changing. Beyond gracious for the opportunity to attend.



This richness of the experience is quite indescribable; the power of the speakers you’ve chosen is off the charts. Wow!! The most wonderful things is that both myself and Rhiannon are sharing this; and it has already changed who we are.



You are a catalyst for real change in our lives. Your legacy has begun! Your kindness will never be forgotten.



Thank you for allowing myself and Matthew the opportunity to connect and grow with so many people. I have learnt over the past 3 days that we are more than enough, we possess the skills, love, wealth, charity and health to succeed. Knowledge is key, you and your speakers have provided that knowledge. Thank you for believing in us and in your own skills to do this.



We were not disappointed. We were provoked, entertained, enthralled, educated, inspired, amazed, a little sore! Humbled, strengthened, shaped, surprised, gratified, at times a little weary, uplifted, loved, reconnected… and upgraded!

And then there was Sam. Never heard of you before this event, now feel like I’ve known you for ever!

Thank you, Sam, for a smile that could stop a charging lion, for your knowledge – and willingness to share it, for your courage in pushing through the incredible challenge of putting the event together, for the love that obviously drives you, for the fun we had and for setting the perfect pace.



What an inspirational event. Still feeling the buzz of amazing energy from the last three days, created by every single speaker, participant and the A Higher Branch team. We learnt so much including the importance of family and friendship, and we feel part of whole new circle of friends, if not family. Thank you



We are at a juncture in history where we have lost a lot of traditions and we don’t quite know how to live. So Sam has given us important tips that I think are going to be effective. It is a system that we all need. This is a movement. What I like about it – it is not airy fairy nor hard.

This is science that you have given us. It is practical. It is very well rounded.

Nick & Helen


Feeling inspired! I came to this event with an open mind and heart and left with a completely different outlook on life. For the first time am excited about the journey instead of focussing on the result. Thank you again!!



It is like we have been lost the entire time and now we have the life skill for 100 years. It is great and its really inspiring. This 3- day conference was reassuring and gave us actual things for us to do. It wasn’t all talk and was practical. It wasn’t self-indulgent.

Daphne (16 yrs)


The event has bene amazing! I’ve loved all the speakers, the new concepts I’ve learnt, the beautiful evening events and being part of your community! Thank you to you and your team for organising this beautiful event which has inspired me to implement your framework and the information I learnt into new habits and routines. I cannot wait for 2020!



Thank you all for invigorating my soul. Swimming at the beach and dancing the nights away brought me closer to myself and drew me to the people that attended. I love hyour energy and warm chakra. Hopefully these 8 areas of life can lead me to have a soul as kind as yours.



You’re going to change my life and my children’s. Sam, you’re an angel.



Upgrade Your Life 2019 gave me a renewed perspective, a practical and pragmatic way to approach goals; it was insightful and expansive in wisdom; it was a sense of belonging amongst a community of likeminded people who made you feel valued; it was a safe space that was kind, caring and nurturing but uplifting, invigorating and exciting all at once.

It wasn’t a conference that was out to sell, it was out to share and spread love and happiness.



It was absolutely fantastic and just what I needed honestly!! I am excited to start processing all the principles and applying them and formatting my journal. It gave me so much energy.



I love your system, your idea of conscious rituals, your passion for energy and all that creates it, your honour of health, your conviction for transcending ‘average’ in all key areas of life as a personal obligation, and for your heart, in bringing this life changing education to us so we can all find our wings.



Fantastic event cannot speak more highly of the 3 days, it was highlight after highlight minute by minute. Congrats



Great event and thank you for having the courage to step out. Your framework around ‘conscious living’ really clicked for me especially around the concept of blending. The event was real and authentic unlike many I have been to.



Thank you for entering my life as an angel at a time when the outer world saw success and achievements, when in truth I was running myself to the ground. I needed help. Sam, you are a very genuine and generous human being. I am fortunate that we got to meet.
